
Improve your modem performance tip

how Improve your dialup modem performance:
You can't assume that just because you connected at a speed like 48.3KBps that you will stay there. Today's modems automatically fall back to a lower speed if the line noise is too high to maintain a faster connection, but sometimes they fall back too soon or too far.

now, Here's how to do it:
Click Start the button.
Select Settings.
Click Control Panel.
Double-click on the Modems icon.
Select your modem.
Click the Properties button.
Click the Connections tab.
Click the Advanced button.
In the "Extra settings" field, type S36=7
Click OK to save your settings.
This will force your modem to try to stay connected at high speeds in two different ways before dropping back to an asynchronous mode with auto speed buffering.
Improve modem performance

The Conexant D480 MDC V.92 modem is designed to connect to the speed that maximizes the processing rate of the modem. This usually means that the modem will connect in V.90 mode, returning to V.34 if the line can not maintain a V.90 connection.
There are many factors that cause the modem to connect at a slower rate than expected.
1. Long distance between your location and the headquarters of the company directly.
2. Digital carriers in the local loop (used in neighborhoods to add new phone lines to a digital trunk).
3.Noisy local loops or other devices on the telephone line to make noise.
Communications applications may indicate two different speeds as connection speed. " In addition, the processing fee is sometimes used to describe the performance of the modem.

DCE - DCE means Data Communications Equipment. DCE speed is the actual connection speed that sets the modem depending on line conditions. For a V.92 modem, the speed for downloading data from Internet is 56k *. DCE speed may vary from one session to another if conditions change the line.
Speed DTE - DTE means Data Terminal Equipment. DTE speed data rate defines the serial port or modem. The DTE speed is the speed of data in the interface between the PC and modem. Generally indicated at 115,200 bps. The DTE speed is generally indicated continued between sessions.
Processing fee - up to the actual speed of data transfer over the phone line. Once the modem is connected and set the connection speed will be received and transmitted at the speed corresponding to the protocols of compression and error correction during modem handshaking sequence.
DCE speed is more useful than the DTE speed when analyzing the performance of the modem. In addition, the data processing rate is more useful than the DCE to analyze the performance of the modem.
If you are not satisfied with the performance of the modem, there are several procedures that can continue to improve. The "data processing fee" as opposed to the "connection speed" on the modem to use to measure the performance of the device. The combination of a noisy line and high data rates can result in a lower rate of data processing. This is because certain conditions, such as a noisy line, can cause data loss or damage, requiring a retransmission. If the modem transmits data at a faster rate than can hold the line, the speed of the transmission will be higher, causing a slower rate of processing since the same information should be sent several times.
A strategy for improving modem performance is to monitor the rate of data processing (and also control the speed of your modem connection) and choose a parameter of the receive buffer (see information below) to produce the maximum rate .
The basic steps to perform this optimization are:
1) Set the "System Monitor" to see the rate of processing of Remote Access Service (RAS).
Click "Start" and then select "Run ..."
Type "perfmon" in the Run dialog box.
Click the right mouse button on the gray window and then select "Add Counters ..."
Opens the window "Add Counters ..." Make sure the settings appear as follows:
dialup modem performance
After clicking "Add" and then "Close" System Monitor will look like:
dialup modem performance
2) Connect to your Internet service. While browsing the Internet and download files, look at the latest processing rate and the average rate during the session.
3) Hang up the modem after you get a general idea of the current processing rate.
4) In the Control Panel, double-click "System" and then click the "Hardware." This will open the "Device Manager." Click the "+" button to the right of "Modem". Double-click the modem that is listed. Click the "Advanced" tab and set the parameter "Receive Buffer." Click "OK" to return to the "Device Manager."
5) Repeat step 2 and note any progress or decline in the rate of processing of the modem.
6) Repeat steps 2 through 5 until you have set the configuration that provides maximum processing rate.


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