
The modem is not connected to Internet tip

so There are many reasons why the modem does not connect to the Internet.
1.Make sure you are dialing the correct number. You can verify that the remote modem is responding to your modem using a telephone to dial the Internet service provider. If the remote modem is answering, you will hear whistles and tones.
2. Check if the number dialed is compatible with the modem protocol you want. For example, the telephone number you are dialing may be compatible only with V.34 (28.8 kbps), while its waiting for a connection V.90 modem (56k).
3. The number you are dialing may be busy. If this is the case, try calling later.
4. The poor conditions in the line can prevent the modem to connect. In this case, try to call again, try it with another phone extension, check the cables, and if necessary seek assistance telephone service provider to improve the conditions of the line.
5. You may be carrying out an action with the PC to abort the dialing process. For example, pressing a key when using Hyper Terminal to dial causes an "abandonment key, canceling the call attempt. Verify that it is not in stock with your application or telephone communication to make to leave the call attempt.
6. The user name and password you provided to register may be incorrect. In this case, the server can force the modem to disconnect.
7. If the network configuration is not compatible with the Internet service provider you use, the supplier may disconnect the call just after establishing a connection. For example, the configuration of the "Dial-Up Networking" may be incorrect. See the necessary network settings of your Internet service provider to ensure you have configured the "Dial-Up Networking."


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